female entrepreneurs
March 11, 2020
Empowering Women
This last weekend, I was supposed to be at the USC Women’s Conference @uscwomensconference. It was postponed as a precaution with COVID-19 transmissions happening in the Seattle area. I know that it is for the best to protect the health of attendees and our families, but I was also disappointed.
I had really been looking forward to getting together with women who are doing amazing things to impact the world and to connect with many of the attendees who are doing that while also raising families.
I founded Rent-a-Romper because parenting today is hard enough. We are living in an age where we have so many decisions to make and are judged for whichever direction we go.
Have kids, not have kids? Have only one kid? Have four kids? Breastfeed, bottle feed? Screen time or no screen time? Cheez-its or organic, locally grown, dairy-free cheese crackers? Oh, no! that was too many organic, locally grown, dairy-free cheese crackers!
It’s tiring.
And as women, still today much of this burden and this judgement falls on us. Is that fair? No. But, it is true.
So as I am thinking about International Women’s Day, #womancrushwednesday, and missing out on that opportunity to connect — I am reflecting on the women I know — people who are the most intelligent, driven, organized, funny, and loving people I know. And I know life could be easier for them. I know we are all worthy and deserving and powerful.
I am going to recommit to these women by promising to share my own honest story, speaking up when structures aren’t working for women at work or elsewhere, and doing what I can in my power or role to change structures or culture to make it easier for other women.
So cheers to all the women I crush on and love on this #womancrushwednesday #wcw. Be who you are and know you are loved.